Like any public cloud, GCP is a flexible, on-demand set of pay-as-you-go services. There are no up-front costs, and no termination fees which means you stop paying for services as soon as resources are deleted.
There are many product on GCP, and a plethora of pricing models. Google document a pricing model for each of their products.
Google offer a pricing calculator that can be used to estimate costs for a wide variety of products.
It is advised that any prospective LZiaB tenant works with a cloud architect and the Cloud Platform Team, when performing estimates.
Here are some general tips for keeping costs under control, when using Google Cloud:
All deployed Google Cloud resources are attributed to a single project. Consequently, project costs are accumulated at the project level. All these projects are ultimately associated with a billing account that is the responsibility of the LZiaB Service Owner.
The day-to-day management, analysis and reporting of our billing account is managed by AppsBroker, who we have contracted with to provide Financial Operations expertise in GCP.
group will have visibility of these reports.Billing
project.In order to receive the programatic budget alerts for a project, users will need to hold the organisation’s Budget Alert Receiver role on the relevant project(s). The role now works with inheritance so can either be held on the project itself or inherited from above. The role works with both individual accounts and Google groups.
A list of budget alert receivers for a project will be gathered as part of the onboarding process but can be updated at any time by contacting the Cloud Team.
TODO: Cloud CoE to agree model of how a tenant pays for use of LZiaB.
In Google Cloud, labels are key:value pairs that can be defined as metadata against projects and resources. These labels are extremely useful in identifying, for example, whether resources are associated with a specific tenant or with a specific environment.
These labels can be used for various types of resource analytics, such as:
When deploying resources in your tenancy using the project factory and IaC, certain mandatory labels will be created and added to resources automatically:
Label Name | Description | Possible Values |
platform | Which top level platform is in use | LZiaB / Other |
tenant | Your tenancy | Any |
service | Project or service | Any |
responsible | Cost Centre | Any |
layer | Whether prod, non-prod, or sandbox | prod / npd / sbox |
In addition, you can add your own custom tenant labels to your resources. Specify any labels you want to use when you request your tenancy. For example, you might consider labels such as:
- e.g. “application”, “frontend”, “backend”, “DB”, “ingest”, “pipeline”, etc.Contact
- i.e. an individual who can answer questions about this resourceState
- e.g. “active”, “pending-deletion”, “archive”